Check if your network is supported

GroupOS is live on the following networks:

NetworkChain ID
Ethereum Goerli5
Ethereum Sepolia11155111
Linea Mainnet59144

If you don’t see your network in the list, reach out to let us know.

Create a Group and get your Group ID

A Group is a team workspace on GroupOS. A Group is automatically created for you upon your first sign in.

To create a new Group, navigate to the top right and choose ‘New Group’.

To get the Group ID, go to Settings then General and copy Group ID.

Set up your API key

  1. Sign into GroupOS.
  2. In the Dashboard, go to the Settings tab.
  3. Go to the API keys tab and click ‘Add’ to generate a new key. API.png
  4. Name your API key and click ‘Generate’.
    Save the key in a secured location to reuse the key.