GroupOS is an engine designed to power onchain networks. We offer a comprehensive toolkit and SDKs that unlock the creative potential of a new generation of consumer applications. With GroupOS, you can build your core consumer experience without the need to concern yourself with crypto infrastructure and engineering.

Value propositions

Magical user experience

— Frictionless onboarding: Users can seamlessly transition into the blockchain realm without the hurdles of traditional setups.

— Intuitive self-custody: Maintain complete control over assets without the complexities of seed phrases.

— No more bridging: Eliminate the mandate of holding native token, simplifying user interactions.

Programmability and automation

— Bespoke Authentication: Merge the power of blockchain with established authentication and authorization paradigms, paving the way for complex yet secure smart contract functionalities.

— Multifaceted security signatures: Elevate transactional security with multi-signature operations, ensuring that high-value transactions are robustly guarded.

— Onchain automation: Automated account actions and operations such as scheduled transfers and guarding approvals.

Out-of-the-box interoperability

— Seamless add-ons: Integrating these advancements requires zero alterations to existing NFT structures, ensuring a harmonious blend with current ecosystems.

— interoperable accounts: Users can use their NFT accounts across various dApps and platforms, offering a unified and consistent experience. This eradicates the friction of platform-specific setups and caters to a more streamlined user journey.

Secondary markets: NFT accounts and their assets can be traded across multiple marketplaces, giving rise to new trading dynamics and increasing transaction fees for dApp developers.

Enhanced onchain interactivity

— Sovereign NFT engagement: Empower NFTs to interact as independent agents within applications and dApps, unleashing their utilities.

— Pioneering interaction mechanics: Lay the foundation for novel experiences, from NFT loyalty initiatives to representing on-chain identities with newfound authenticity.

— Redefining NFT and wallet interactions: Provide a playground for experimentation, inviting developers to reimagine the interaction between wallets and NFTs.

Design principles

GroupOS is created with the following design goals in mind:

  • Flexibility: our infrastructure and developer tooling allows for maximal customizability in each step of the user journey. From proof-of-humanhood and KYC mechanisms to custom branding and front-end, we look to power application experiences in the background.
  • Attributability: token networks need to be user-centric (members including both people and bots!) with access to data to understand engagement and activities.
  • Modularity: our developer kit fits seamlessly into and alongside existing workflows and applications. Developers can bring their existing contracts or create new ones with us.
  • Ease-of-use: from our APIs/SDKs to our no-code dashboard, we seek beauty in simplicity and ease of use.

Onchain data have demonstrated the efficacy of campaigns such as one-time airdrops or NFT mints in driving user adoption and onchain transactions. However, these one-time campaigns are not sustainable or scalable. User engagement doesn’t stop at activation. The most valuable users are the ones that retain.

We are building and improving upon proven models of successful experiments leveraging onchain rewards for user and developer participation to make engaging and retaining these users more sustainable and scalable.

Read more about our contracts here.